If you would like to find other great blogs about New England Genealogy...
Check out the list complied by Heather Rojo at Nutfield Genealogy.
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New England GeneaBloggers
Also see the webpage
or the Facebook group “New England Geneabloggers”
Claire Ammon - New Haven Genealogy http://www.claireammon.com/once-upon-a-time-in-new-haven/
Sara Campbell- Remembering Ancestors – Genealogy Gathering http://rememberingancestors.blogspot.com
Pam Carter - My Maine Ancestry www.mymaineancestry.blogspot.com
Lucie LeBlanc Consentino – Acadian Ancestral Home (and others) http://acadian-ancestral-home.blogspot.com
Laurie Desmarais - Confuse the Dead http://www.confusethedead.com/
Cheryl Hall, Harry A. Hall, Hollis Hatfield, Stephanie Hall Miller – Four Hall Cousins - http://4hallcousins.com/blog/
Cheryll Toney Holley - For All My Relations (African American and Native American) http://forallmyrelations.blogspot.com
Caitlin Hopkins - Vast Public Indifference http://www.vastpublicindifference.com/
David Larsson- McRae/Anderson Genealogy http://mcraeandersongenealogy.blogspot.com/
Linda Hall Little – Passage to the Past https://passagetothepast.wordpress.com/
Marian Pierre Louis – The New England House Historian (and others) http://nehousehistorian.blogspot.com/
Heather Wilkinson Rojo- Nutfield Genealogy
Jim Saunders – Hidden Genealogy Nuggets www.hiddengenealogynuggets.com
Jim Saunders – Hidden Genealogy Nuggets www.hiddengenealogynuggets.com
Pam Schaffner - Digging Down East (lives in Ohio, writes about Maine) http://diggingdowneast.blogspot.com
Brian Sheffey- https://genealogyadventures.wordpress.com/
Nat Taylor – A Genealogist’s Sketchbook - http://nltaylor.net/sketchbook/
Erica Dakin Voolich –
Eric’s Adventures in Genealogy
and also Will the Real Ursula Wright Please Stand Up